Important Pointers to keep in mind before you read further
Study for 10-12 hours a day
Wake up early to study. Waking up at 4:00 Am is ideal.
Do not search for shortcuts there is none.
Working hard consistently and sticking to your daily schedule is the key to clearing UPSC.
Exercise and Meditate daily.
We will divide the strategy into two phases:
1. First 30 days
2. Second 30 Days
So for the last 60 days, you need to revise your syllabus at least 2 times and it's important that we read only that stuff that is important from a Prelims point of view. So what to read in different subjects? Here is a list of few : You can also make this list by analysing the PYQs and noting down the areas in which UPSC has been asking questions. Those areas become important for UPSC:
1. Indian Polity: Important topics
Historical British Acts from 1773 – 1947 (Combine it with History) we have already done that for you. You can watch the full playlist at:
Fundamental rights
Fundamental duties
The basic structure of the constitution
Amendments to the constitution – 42nd, 44th , 86th , 73rd , 74th , 61st , 97th
Salient Features of the Constitution
The parliamentary system of government – Part 2 (Federal system, Interstate relations, Emergency provisions)
Central V/s State Government ( President v/s Governor, Prime Minister v/s Chief Minister, Central Council of Ministers v/s State Council of Ministers , Parliament v/s State legislature, Supreme court v/s High court, Judicial Review, Subordinate courts, Attorney General v/s Advocate General) Study this part simultaneously to save your time as provisions as similar for both state and centre with some differences.
Local government (Part 5)
Schedule areas and tribal areas
Constitutional Bodies – Election commission of India, UPSC, Finance Commission, National Commissions, Comptroller and Auditor General.
National Human Rights Commission v/s State Human Rights Commission, Central Information Commission v/s State Information Commission, Central Vigilance Commission, Central Bureau of Investigation, Lokpal and Lokayukta.
Official Languages
Co-operative societies
GST Council
National Investigation agency & National Disaster Management Authority
Elections and laws related
Anti-Defection Law
2. Ancient History - Important Topics
Early India: From the Beginnings to the Indus Civilisation – Pre historic India (Paleolithic , mesolithi, neoloithic ages ), Harappan culture and Indus civilizations – Economic life , social life Town planning , Religion.
Early India: The Chalcolithic, Megalithic, Iron Age and Vedic Cultures – Social life , Economic life, Religion.
Rise of Territorial Kingdoms and New Religious Sects – Janapadas, Mahajanapadas, Ajivikas, Jainism , Buddhism etc.
Emergence of State and Empire – Mauryan Empire
Evolution of Society in South India – Satavahanas , Pandyas
Polity and Society in Post-Mauryan Period – Sakas, parthians , kushans , Trade and Economy.
The Guptas – Administrative system working, Economics, trade and commerce, Culture , Literature, Contribution to Science.
Harsha and Rise of Regional Kingdoms – Literature, Administration system, Inscriptions, Economy.
Cultural Development in South India - Chalukyas and Pallavas, Bhakti Movement
Advent of Arabs and Turks – Lodhi dynasty.
Later Cholas and Pandyas – Administration , Society , Trade and Economics.
3. Medieval History:
Bahmani and Vijayanagar Kingdoms – When, Administration , Society and Economy.
Cultural Syncretism: Bhakti Movement in India – Why ? Spread ? Features ? Proponents ?
The Mughal Empire - Full chapter
The Marathas – Administration , Anglo- Maratha wars.
The Coming of the Europeans
Effects of British Rule –Important
Early Resistance to British Rule – Causes, Peasant and Tribal Revolts, Effects
Towards Modernity - Reformist Movements & Revivalist Movements , Theosophical Society , Islamic Reform Movements, Significance ?
4. Modern History - Importance Spectrum topics unit wise
In Spectrum these Units/Chapters are extremely important :
The revolt of 1857
Unit 5 – Beginning of Modern nationalism in India.
Indian National Congress & its foundation
Unit 6 – National Movement
Unit 7 – Era of Mass Nationalism
Unit 8 – Towards Freedom and Partition
Unit 9 – India under British Rule : Governance and other aspects
5. Economy :
12th Macroeconomics NCERT is important and we have developed a concise series explaining each and every concept of macroeconomics. 80% of questions in UPSC prelims 2021 were asked from our course which you can join for FREE at :
Also please help others and share this programme on your social media to help others as well.
11th NCERT - Indian Economic Development ( IMP book )
Budget and Economics Survey – PIB India. Just read the concise summary of PIB India for prelims. We have covered it in our playlist:
Join our Master economics in 7 days Challenge
80% of UPSC prelims 2021 questions were asked from here. Link:
6. Environment :
Read NCERT Biology Ecology unit – 4 chapters. We have covered it in our playlist:
Read Shankar IAS selectively: Chapters to read are given below-
Part 1 – Environmental Ecology – chapters 1-5
Part 2- Biodiversity – Chapter 9, 15
Part 3- Climate change - ocean acidification, Mitigation strategies, Climate change Organizations.
Part 5- Acts and Policies, Environmental Org, Conventions etc
Current Affairs related to Environment are extremely Important
Give Special Focus on Species, Rivers, NationalParks etc. in news
7. Geography:
NCERT Class 11th books are really Important Read both books:
Part 1 Fundamentals of Physical Geography
Part 2 India: Physical Environment
NCERT Class 12th
Part 1 Fundamentals of Human Geography
Part 2 Indian People and Economy
World Geography – Gc Leong Part 1+ Chapters 13 & 14 of Part 2 To simplify Geography we have created a playlist with animations and real-life videos to make you understand tough concepts easily. You can watch the playlist at:
In this, we have Combined Gc Leong and NCERT Class 11th Part 1 Physical geography and explained each and every concept beautifully
8. Maps :
Purchase ATLAS ( Black Swan or Oxford ) Link to buy:
Study National parks, Tiger reserves, Mountain ranges, Mountain passes, Natural vegetation, Soil distribution, Biosphere reserves, Mike sites, Ramsar Sites, Wetlands, Glaciers.
Note: National Parks should be studied with Rivers, Flora, Fauna etc.
Important Places, Species and all above in news should be studies ( V.IMP)
Maps Made Easy: To help aspirants we have created a basic course on static portion of Maps
We have made all this easy by covering all of the above static topics in our Maps revision series.
Enrol for it and start learning at:
Watch Demo lectures on YouTube:
UPSC Prelims 2021 Rivers question was from the series so its IMP
Alternatively, Prepare each map by yourself and stick it on your wall and look at those maps for 5 minutes daily. Also, buy the world map and stick it and revise 5 minutes every day.
9. Art and Culture
Read NCERT Class 11th Introduction to Fine Arts. Also memorise the Glossary given at the end of the book. Important words are often asked from here.
Refer to CCRT Website ( Summary )
The Layman Way notes which are uploaded in our free material section:
10. PYQs: Analyse PYQ’sPYQs
Do previous year Questions of at-least past 20 years
Analyse the options from the questions and revise the theory around it
Download the Past year's questions PYQ’s from the Layman Way Website –Free Material Section
11 How to solve Prelims Questions?
Learn the tricks to eliminate options in UPSC prelims paper from our course on How to score 120+ in UPSC prelims:
Practice Mock Test and analyse your mistakes
How to score 120+ in UPSC prelims series.
12. Current Affairs: Prepare From Monthly magazines or your own Notes or Yearly compilations. But revise them thoroughly.
13. CSAT paper 2 - Enrol for the foundation course at The Layman Way
In our foundation course we cover extensively all the below topics :
1. Number Systems
2. Ratio and Proportions
3. Averages
4. Progressions
5. Profit and Loss
6. Linear Equations
7. Simple and Compound Interest
8. Permutations and Combinations
9. Probability
10. Reasoning – Coding, Seating Arrangements, Alphanumeric Series, Puzzle,Symbols and Directions, Blood Relations, DataSufficiency, Syllogism, Linear Arrangements,
11. Comprehensions 12. Short Tricks 13. PYQs
After covering all the theory parts we do PYQs and then practice sheets are shared containing 500+ questions to help you master CSAT with ease. One on one doubt clearance is provided to help you resolve your doubts.
We have helped students to score 100+ marks in CSAT and this is shown by our student testimonials you can have a look:
Enrol for the course at :
Solve a few mocks: Only full length
Analyse the mocks
Nothing is going to come from mocks
Experiment with techniques
It is okay if techniques don’t work.
Do not just start reading lengthy solutions at the back
Why you did do wrong? How could you have done it right?
How can you score above 100-110 on paper? Ask yourself and analyse
Do not cheat.
Give mock in time limits and test like environment
Schedule for 30 days: Includes 2 times revisions in a month for full UPSC syllabus.
This is a sample schedule you can use it and modify it or prepare a new one for yourself. The main aim is to have an account of each minute of the day and completing syllabus accordingly.

2nd Phase - Last 30 days
Do PYQs and revise them. Also extensively analyse PYQs
Do a mock test - 30 to get a basic sitting habit and analyse your mistakes
If you want to look at the detailed Strategy you can watch the below video:
Also if you want a step by step Strategy for UPSC you can have a look at the below playlist:
I hope this might have helped you! If we did please leave us a review and share this blog on your social media
My friends, we at The Layman Way strive harder each day to make a difference in your life. What we need is just a little push to make us work even harder and impact more lives positively. This push comes to us from you all, who are our ambassadors. If at all we are adding any value to your preparation or your life, I have a favour to ask you. Spread the word for us so that we can reach out to more aspirants and leave us a review on Google Reviews help other aspirants to know that this is the place they need to be for learning more and enhancing their UPSC preparation. Help us make a difference and we shall together strive to help you ACE UPSC.
Have a wonderful day and make your goal to make someone else life better. I will see you in our next blog.
We have launched new courses on : Indian polity: Master CSAT: Sign up for guidance: Join our telegram channel: Subscribe: More Course for You: Fundamentals of Physical Geography full playlist: Economic survey and budget 2022 full playlist for: How to clear UPSC prelims in5 months Playlist: Government Schemes for UPSC playlist: Economics for UPSC Prelims Playlist: How to score 120+ In UPSC Prelims: Yearly Current Affairs Revision: British Acts and Policies Playlist: Environment and Ecology Series: CSAT Preparation Demo Lectures: Maps Revision Series Demo Lectures: Indian Constitution at Work Playlist : Direct hits in UPSC Prelims 2021 :