Students Feedback

Manasa, CSAT Course Student
I would rate this course 10/10. Quality of Instruction was Excellent. I learned Time Management & Solving questions quickly. I just followed this course for CSAT and did 54 questions right out of 57 that I attempted in UPSC Prelims 2021

Astha , CSAT Course Student
I would like to thank The Layman Way for the CSAT Course. I was able to do attempt 54 questions and did 50 questions right. Compared to my previous attempt where I barely managed to get 66 marks, this time I am easily crossing the required cutoff for UPSC Prelims 2021. The series is purely conceptual and to the point.

Nandita, CSAT Course Student
Thank you so much sir for your amazing work. In CSAT, concept plays very important role, and you helped us how we can tackle with this problem. Before joining your course, I always thought permutation and combination is very very tough, "ye toh mere bas ka baat nahin" & now I love this topic. This course helped me a lot.