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Master Indian Polity Basics in 10 hrs 📈

  • 17 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


In this challenge, you have to complete the full course of Indian Polity in 7 days. After completing the course you will get a badge from us. In this 7 day process of mastering the basics of Indian Polity, you will learn several important concepts for UPSC prelims listed below : 1. Meaning of constitution - roles, functions etc 2. Features borrowed from Other constitutions 3. Fundamental Rights 4. DPSP 5. Fundamental Duties 6. Three organs of Government - Executive, Legislature and Judiciary 7. Local self Government - Panchayats and Municipalities 8. Election and Representation 9. Amendments - How are they done? 10. Basic structure of the constitution 11. Concept of secularism





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